Trans Sangha Community Agreements

for all Sangha spaces and group chats

Well-being: We acknowledge our words and actions influence the well-being of the community. We commit ourselves to being agents of well-being in Trans Sangha so that it may be a refuge for as many trans people as possible. We recognize that well-being is not synonymous with total agreement.

Both/And: We practice “Both/And” thinking, acknowledging one another’s reality, experience, and truth.

Intention/Impact: We take responsibility for our impact, knowing that while we may bring our best intentions to the space, our words and actions may still cause harm.

“I” Statements: We speak from our own embodied experience, staying close to the heart, and use “I” statements rather than speaking in generalizations.

Growing Together: We commit ourselves to a culture of humility, to ongoing learning, and to growing in awareness of what is often made invisible by systems of oppression.

Opt-in/Opt-out: We participate as we see fit, tuning in to our own capacity and taking space to care for ourselves as needed. We recognize that participation in all aspects of sangha is optional and consent-based. We can say and accept “no” without explanation.

Confidentiality: We treat what’s shared in Sangha as confidential. When we share insights from our time together, we do so without identifying the personal details of others.

Move up/Move up: We practice noticing our behavior and power dynamic in Sangha. If we tend to speak often, we move up into a role of listening more. If we tend to speak less often, we move up into a role of speaking more. We maintain awareness of the multiple identities in the room.